Articles on: SimplyPrint features

The SimplyPrint AI Failure Detection feature

AI Failure Detection in SimplyPrint


AI Failure Detection in SimplyPrint helps monitor your prints in real-time using AI, detecting potential print failures such as spaghetti, warping, and blobbing.

How It Works (Technical Overview)

The AI analyzes live camera feeds, detecting print failures based on trained models. It continuously improves by learning from user feedback and real-world print data.

How It Works in SimplyPrint

When enabled, SimplyPrint's AI watches your prints and notifies you if it detects an issue. You can receive alerts via mobile push notifications, email, or SMS, and even configure automatic actions such as pausing or canceling the print.

Privacy & AI Training

We take privacy seriously. Learn more about how AI training works and what data is shared here:
🔗 AI Failure Detection Data Sharing & Training

Pricing & Beta Access

- Currently in Beta: Free for all users on unlimited printers.
- Post-beta pricing:
- Each account will get 12 free AI detection hours per month, shared across all printers.
- After free hours are used, you can purchase an AI license add-on.
- One AI license = Active AI detection on one printer at a time, but can be switched between printers.
- Pricing TBD, but it will be competitive, if not lower, than alternatives.

Note: Since this is in beta, bugs may occur. AI accuracy will improve as more users provide feedback and contribute to training.

Available Detections

The AI can currently detect:
- Spaghetti (failed extrusion)
- Warping (print lifting off the bed)
- Blobbing (large blobs of filament)

Future updates will add detection for:
- Bad first layer
- Layer shifting
- Stringing
- And more!

Enabling AI Failure Detection

Go to the printer in the SimplyPrint Control Panel: (web) or in the app.
If you have multiple printers, click on the desired printer.
Locate the AI Failure Detection widget below the camera.

Tip: A camera is required. If your printer has a built-in camera, SimplyPrint will use it. External cameras can also be used, depending on your setup. |

AI Notification Types

You can receive AI failure alerts via:
- Mobile push notifications:
- Android
- iOS
- Email
- SMS/Text (no image included)

Tip: Email notifications allow you to rate detections as good or bad. If it's a false positive, mark it as "bad" to help improve the AI.

AI Settings & Configuration

You can configure AI settings per printer or apply them to your entire account.

Basic vs. Advanced Mode

- Basic Mode: One set of settings for all detection types.
- Advanced Mode: Customize settings for each detection type individually.

Available Settings

Sensitivity: Choose how confident the AI must be before triggering an alert:
- Low, Medium, High, or Very High.

Sensitivity controls how quickly the AI becomes confident that a failure is happening.
The AI builds an "overall score" based on multiple detections over time.

Low sensitivity = The AI needs more time and more detections to be sure. The score grows slowly.
High sensitivity = The AI reacts faster, needing fewer detections. The score grows quickly.

- Actions:
- Enable/Disable notifications (push, email, or SMS).
- Print actions (Available on the "Basic" plan and up):
- Cancel print automatically ( irreversible).
- Pause print:
- Cool hotend (prevent oozing & save power).
- Retract filament (default: 10mm).
- Lift extruder (default: 10mm).

Use Case Example:

For Warping, set higher sensitivity to get notified faster. Warping may not always mean a failed print—adjusting bed temp or taping down the print may save it.
📖 Guide to fixing warping

Viewing AI Information in SimplyPrint

Print History

- AI activity is shown on each print job.
- If AI triggered an action (alert, pause, or cancel), it will be logged.
- Users can rate detections (good/bad) with an image preview (available for ~7 days).
- If a failed print was canceled, the system shows how much money was saved based on SimplyPrint’s cost calculation feature.
🔗 Print Cost Calculations

Statistics Page

- See total money saved by AI-detected failed prints.
- Based on canceled prints where a failure was detected and cost calculation was enabled.

That’s it! 🚀 If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Updated on: 22/03/2025

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