Articles on: Troubleshooting

Prusa printer keeps disconnecting from SimplyPrint / OctoPrint, or won't connect

If your Prusa MK3/S/+ or Mini printer keeps connecting, and disconnecting from SimplyPrint or OctoPrint, or won't connect in the first place, we have the solution for you!

So, if your printer says "Not connected" in SimplyPrint, of "Offline" in OctoPrint, read here;

Disabling the "RPi port" setting on the printer

This is usually caused by the "RPi port" setting being enabled on the printer. This must be disabled.

You disable this by going to the printer screen, clicking the button, clicking "Settings" and scroll down to "RPi port", and making sure it says [off].

This setting might easily be mistaken as having to be "On", if you use a Raspberry Pi, but it must only be "On" if you have plugged in a Raspberry Pi Zero W (1 or 2) into the main board Pi slot, to use with " PrusaPrint ".

If this did not fix the problem for you, keep reading for more tips!

Check for generic, not Prusa-related issues

Check out our article on generic serial connection issues;
Printer is "not connected" in SimplyPrint

Updated on: 19/10/2023

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