I have a home-made 3D printer, how do I set it up in SimplyPrint?
Setting up the printer
When you create your account you will have to set up at least one printer. There is a long list of printers that are known to work with SimplyPrint but if you built your own printer it won't be on the list of cause. To set up home-made printer you will have to scroll down to bottom and open up the "Any generic printer" tab. There you will see presets for both a normal cartesian printer (printer with distinct separate movement systems for each axis) and a delta printer. From there you enter the dimensions, max temps, etc. of your printer and this will take you further in the setup process.
Changing the image
If you want the printer to have a special image in the panel, you must at least have the "Basic" plan as it will be possible to choose your own image which will be displayed in the panel. To change the image you want your printer to have, click the gear in the upper right corner of your printer and go to "Edit printer". There you will find a menu on the left side where you can upload your own image. The image must be square and at least 400 x 400 pixels and a maximum of 1000 x 1000 pixels as well as being smaller than 2 MB in file size.
Updated on: 01/08/2021
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