Which cable to use for SimplyPrint / OctoPrint
It is important to have the right cable to connect your Raspberry to your Printer. Most printers come with this cable as many use the port on the printer to print through from a computer. If your printer wasn't shipped with a cable, you will need to buy one. This guide will help you choose the right one. USB C If the connector on your printer looks like this, you will need a "USB C cable". ThePopularPick the right Raspberry Pi for running SimplyPrint / OctoPrint
If you are in doubt about which Raspberry Pi to buy / use for SimplyPrint, and maybe where to find it, follow this guide. What Raspberry Pi to pick? And what do I need? All you need to run SimplyPrint is; A Raspberry Pi A power supply for the Pi (important that it's an official power supply for the given Pi model) An SD card (8 or 16 GB) A connection cable for the printer Which Pi to choose? We recommend a Raspberry Pi 4B - it's not super expensive (often cheaper thaPopularHow to set up SimplyPrint?
Moved to our setup guide: https://simplyprint.io/setup-guidePopularMultiple printers on 1 Raspberry Pi (or other device) with SimplyPrint, OctoPrint or Klipper (multi-printer setup)
In this article, we'll talk about the different ways you can use a single Raspberry Pi (or other device, if you don't use a Pi), to run SimplyPrint. Can I just plug multiple pPopularSetting up a Makerbase-powered 3D printer in SimplyPrint
Prerequisites To follow this guide you will need the following things: A Klipper-powered 3D-Printer running makerbase that is connected to your network. Make sure your printer has the Makerbase-powered issue, described in our seSome readersHow to tell if a 3D printer is compatible with SimplyPrint, OctoPrint, Mainsail or Fluidd
How do you know if your 3D printer, or a 3D printer you're thinking about buying, supports SimplyPrint, OctoPrint, Mainsail and/or Fluidd? It's a good question, and it's one often not specifically answered by the printer manufacturer on their website, and as there are many hundreds of different 3D printer manufacturers and models out there, you might not always be able to get confirmation from other users online that easily either! So, if your printer is not found on the SimplyPrint compatibilSome readersWhat is required to set up SimplyPrint?
SimplyPrint needs to run on something a little more powerful, and smarter, than your 3D printer mainboard - sadly. 3D printers don't yet have enough processing power to handle anything more complex than it's already doing, and most printers don't have any sort of wireless connectivity options, so SimplyPrint needs to run on a computer. Luckily, a tiny computer called a Raspberry Pi is perfect for this! What do I need? SimplyPrint is made to run on a Raspberry Pi, which is a tiny computer.Few readersMy printer isn't on the SimplyPrint compatibility list
Unfortunately, not all manufacturers make their printer so they can talk to 3rd party software like SimplyPrint. Therefore, it is unfortunately possible that your printer is not compatible with our software. However, if your printer is missing on the compatibility list, it doesn't necessarily mean that your printer is not going to be compatible. It just means that no one else tried to add this printer to the platform. You can do the following to find out if your printer is compatible from a techFew readersI have a home-made 3D printer, how do I set it up in SimplyPrint?
Setting up the printer When you create your account you will have to set up at least one printer. There is a long list of printers that are known to work with SimplyPrint but if you built your own printer it won't be on the list of cause. To set up home-made printer you will have to scroll down to bottom and open up the "Any generic printer" tab. There you will see presets for both a normal cartesian printer (printer with distinct separate movement systems for each axis) and a delta printer. FFew readersOptimal Camera Setup and Lighting for Best AI Failure Detection Results
Optimal Camera Setup and Lighting for Best AI Failure Detection Results Introduction Ensuring that your camera is set up correctly is crucial for achieving the best results with AI Failure Detection. A well-placed and properly lit camera helps the AI accurately detect failures and reduces false positives. This guide provides recommendations on camera positioning, lighting, and settings to optimize detection accuracy. Camera Positioning Camera Mounting and Placement Different 3DFew readers