Printer in setup isn't detected / can't find setup code
In this guide, we'll dig into what to do when the SimplyPrint setup guide doesn't detect your device while setting up SimplyPrint, or if you can't find the 4-letter setup code.PopularMy camera doesn't work for OctoPrint / SimplyPrint
Troubleshooting USB Webcam or PiCam Not Being Shown in SimplyPrint This guide will help you troubleshoot the issue of your USB webcam or PiCam not being shown inside SimplyPrint. Before diving into the specific steps for OctoPrint, Mainsail, or Fluidd, it's important to verify that your SimplyPrint gateway is set up correctly. Step 1: Check the SimplyPrint Gateway First, ensure that you're using one of the following platforms as your SimplyPrint gateway: OctoPrint Mainsail or FluiPopularPrinter is "not connected" in SimplyPrint
If you find that your printer is marked "Unconnected", it means that your Raspberry Pi cannot communicate with your printer. There can be several reasons why this message comes up: Bad cable There are several types of USB cables and they are not all built equally. Many Micro USB cables are made solely to charge gadgets like phones and headsets. This prevents the cable from transmitting data that the printer needs. If the cable is very thin, it is a good sign that it does not have all the coSome readersRaspberry Pi runs hot, performs bad or says "undervoltaged" - how to fix
In this article, we'll cover how you can make your Raspberry Pi (or other microcomputer device) run smoother and how to cool it down if it's running a bit hot. What does a hot or undervoltaged Pi mean for your 3D prints? A Pi that is too hot, is "undervoltaged" or running too many tasks, resulting in it being overloaded, can result in failed prints. This happens because the Raspberry Pi is feeding the 3D printer with the print-information a little bit at a time, and if the Pi is havinSome readersBad print quality when printing through USB / SimplyPrint / OctoPrint
Are you getting worse print quality when you print via. SimplyPrint or OctoPrint, than when you printed through SD card? There are luckily a few things you can try! Why does it happen? Not all printers are built the same and this means that you can experience different print quality from printer to printer, not just because of the mechanics of the printer but also the printer's way of receiving information. Some printer motherboards are not built to receive printer commands through the USB poFew readersWhat does "Unsupported version" mean?
Wondering why there's a warning on your printer, saying "Unsupported version"? This article explains why, and how to fix it. What is it? The warning means that the SimplyPrint software that runs on the Raspberry Pi (or whichever device used), is too old and no longer supported. This might also be the case for fairly recent updates of SimplyPrint, if a big new update is released, that requires some new SimplyPrint software for your printer(s). How to fix it? It's super simplFew readersProblems when printing through SimplyPrint
In this article, we'll explain what to do if you're having problems with your printer when printing through SimplyPrint, that did not or does not seem to happen when printing without SimplyPrint. So, are your prints suddenly stopping, printer reporting "Print error", or are prints coming out in worse quality than you'd expect? We're here to shine some light on the situation! If you believe the issue you're experiencing is caused by SimplyPrint, we'll help you diagnose the issue, find the rooFew readersPrint ended in "Printer error"
There are several reasons why print jobs get the status "Printer Error". However, it is always because your printer has canceled the print, and not because of the SimplyPrint platform. It’s either your printer or OctoPrint, that stops the print. The print is only stopped and showing "Printer Error" if it is such a critical error that the print cannot continue. A sign that this has happened is that the printer has stopped out of the blue and has cooled down. These errors will often occur at theFew readersPrinter requires user input
SimplyPrint says my printer requires "user input" - what is this? Some printers have firmware where it, in certain situations, can lock up and block all incoming commands - meaning SimplyPrint won't be able to tell the printer what to do. There is a super simple fix though; just go to your printer, and press the screen-button. In all cases we know of, that's all that's needed. Known cases where this happens - Prusa printers On filament runout (triggered by filament sensor) OnFew readersGot error "Printer doesn't support this file type"
In this article, we'll go over why you may encounter the error message "Printer doesn't support this file type", why it's there and what it means. Why can't I print / select this file type? In SimplyPrint, we allow you to upload a bunch of various file types / file extensions. Some can be printed, some can be sliced - some can't be sliced nor printed, and some can be sliced and printed! In SimplyPrint we support a lot of different 3D printers, aFew readersSlicer is slow or is lagging
Different browsers do not always have the right settings set to run SimplyPrint's slicer optimally. Here's a guide on how to get the best settings for your browser. Chrome Hardware acceleration must be turned on to get the best experience. This is done by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right corner! and opening Settings. On the left side you will find under Advanced, a section called SyFew readersHow to enable pop-ups for the SimplyPrint Hub
The SimplyPrint Hub relies on a pop-up window to sign you in to your account. Some browsers and browser extensions / plugins may block this, resulting in the pop-ups not showing up. This article will help you re-enable pop-ups for the SimplyPrint website. 1. Check for extensions / plugins One of the most common reasons for SimplyPrint pop-ups being blocked, are "Anti-popup" and "Ad Blocker" browser extensions or plugins. Check if you have any such extensions for your browser, and if you do,Few readersHow to get the log files from your printer for troubleshooting
In this article, we'll show you how to get the log files from your printer. This only works for OctoPrint-powered devices, which is the default setup, and will be what you run if you simply use the "SimplyPrint OS" image for a Raspberry Pi. How to get the log files via SimplyPrint Via the SimplyPrint web platform (, go to your "Printers" page. If you have multiple printers, click on the printer you'd like to get logs from In the right side, click the dropdoFew readersPrusa printer keeps disconnecting from SimplyPrint / OctoPrint, or won't connect
If your Prusa MK3/S/+ or Mini printer keeps connecting, and disconnecting from SimplyPrint or OctoPrint, or won't connect in the first place, we have the solution for you! So, if your printer says "Not connected" in SimplyPrint, of "Offline" in OctoPrint, read here; Disabling the "RPi port" setting on the printer This is usually caused by the "RPi port" setting being enabled on the printer. This must be disabled. You disable this by going to the printer screen, clicking the button,Few readersFilament sensor not working with SimplyPrint or OctoPrint
In this article, we'll explain why the filament sensor that is attached to your printer, may not work when you're printing via SimplyPrint or OctoPrint. Why it doesn't work When SimplyPrint and OctoPrint connect to your printer, we're at the mercy of the firmware on your printer - and sometimes, the firmware might not recognize that it's indeed printing when being fed a print via the serial port when using SimplyPrint and OctoPrint.Few readersCreality K1 / K1C / K1 Max camera not working - how to fix
Fix: Creality K1 / K1C / K1 Max Webcam Not Showing in SimplyPrint If your Creality K1, K1C, or K1 Max webcam works in the K1 web client, Fluidd, or Mainsail, but does not appear in SimplyPrint, follow this guide to resolve the issue. 1. Ensure Your Printer Is Set Up Correctly Before troubleshooting the webcam, ensure your printer is properly connected to SimplyPrint. Follow our setup guide: SimplyPrint Setup Guide If yoFew readersBambu Lab: printer stopped working after firmware upgrade / can't start prints anymore
Bambu Lab: Printer Stopped Working After Firmware Upgrade / Can't Start Prints Anymore Overview If your Bambu Lab printer stopped working with SimplyPrint after a firmware update, it is likely due to the new Authorization Control System introduced by Bambu Lab. This update prevents third-party integrations from starting prints, heating the printer, and sending movement commands. For a full explanation of what this update means, see our detailed guide: Bambu Lab Security FirmwarFew readersBambu Lab client setup troubleshooting guide
Bambu Lab Client Setup Troubleshooting Guide If you're having issues setting up the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client, this guide will help you troubleshoot common problems. Before proceeding, we strongly recommend carefully going through the setup process again, as that often resolves many issues. If you still experience problems, follow the steps below. This guide requires you to have followed the initial setup guide; readersFind the IP of your Raspberry Pi
Find the IP of Your Raspberry Pi If you're running a Raspberry Pi and need to find its IP address, here are some simple ways to do it. Important Notes Before You Start You must be on the same Wi-Fi/network as the Raspberry Pi for these methods to work. The Raspberry Pi must be turned on and running for at least 1-2 minutes before trying to find it. 1. Try Using a Local Hostname Depending on how your Raspberry Pi is set up, you may be able to access it using a hostnameFew readersSSH: What is it and how to use it
SSH: What It Is and How to Use It SSH, or "Secure Shell", is a way to safely connect to another computer over the internet. It’s often used to control or manage a device (like a 3D printer or Raspberry Pi) without needing to be right next to it. Think of it as a remote control for computers. With SSH, you can: Send commands to another computer Access files Troubleshoot issues In this guide, we’ll show you how to use SSH on Windows, Mac, and Linux. 📌 WhFew readersUpgrade from ancient version of SimplyPrint
If your printer is on a version of the SimplyPrint Raspberry Pi software that is older than version 1.9.9 (from 2020-06-30), it's possible that it won't be possible to update it to the newest version, via the SimplyPrint panel. If, when you click the "Update" button via the panel, the printer doesn't update, we'll show you how to manually update to the latest software. This is only required once, if you haven't kept your printer's SimplyPrint software up to date for a while. None of these soluFew readers